تحميل Mechanical Measurement Principles
روابط التحميل
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Principles of Mechanical Measurement Intro video
Lec 1 Introduction to measurement
Lec 2 Generalized measurement system static characteristics
Lec 3 Uncertainties in measurement
Lec 4 Statistical treatment of random errors
Lec 5 System response to periodic inputs
Lec 6 Zeroth first order systems
Lec 7 First second order systems
Lec 8 Basics of digitization number systems
Lec 9 Binary logic gates binary codes
Lec 10 Analog to digital conversion
Lec 11 Digital to analog conversion
Lec 12 Electromagnetic indicators
Lec 13 Electronic amplifiers filters
Lec 14 Resistive devices
Lec 15 Inductive capacitive optical devices
Lec 16 Piezoelectric nozzle flapper transducers
Lec 17 Resistive strain gages associated circuitry
Lec 18 Strain gage rosettes gage orientation
Lec 19 Elastic strain gage load cells
Lec 20 Various load cells dynamometers
Lec 21 Principles of manometry
Lec 22 Piezometer elastic pressure transducer
Lec 23 Electric pressure transducer and high low pressure measurement
Lec 24 Bernoulli s equation in obstruction meters
Lec 25 Obstruction meters volume flowmeters
Lec 26 Mass flowmeters velocity probes
Lec 27 Expansion based devices
Lec 28 RTD Thermistor Thermocouple
Lec 29 Introduction to pyrometers
Lec 30 Basic seismic transducer
Lec 31 Vibro velo accelerometer
Lec 32 Introduction to acoustic measurement
Lec 33 Radioactivity its biological effects
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