تحميل Polymer Assisted Abrasive Finishing Processes
روابط التحميل
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Polymer Assisted Abrasive Finishing Processes Intro video
Lec 1 Introduction to Polymer Assisted Abrasive Finishing Processes
Lec 2 Surface Integrity and Surface roughness representation Part I
Lec 3 Surface Integrity and Surface roughness representation Part II
Lec 4 Introduction to Grinding and Polymer assisted Grinding Wheels
Lec 5 Polymer medium for vibratory bowl finishing Tumbling Drag finishing
Lec 6 Polymer Pad and Chemo mechanical Polishing
Lec 7 Elastic Emission Machining
Lec 8 Hydrodynamic Polishing Elasto Abrasive Finishing
Lec 9 Abrasive Flow Machining and Finishing I
Lec 10 Abrasive Flow Machining and Finishing II
Lec 11 Advances in Abrasive Flow Finishing DBGAFF CFAAFM
Lec 12 Advances in Abrasive Flow Finishing Spiral Polishing R AFF
Lec 13 AFF Processes Magnetio AFF MRAFF UAA AFF EC AFF
Lec 14 Finishing of Biomedical Implants
Lec 15 Summary of the Course
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