تحميل Plastic Working of Metals
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Plastic Working of Metallic Materials Introduction Video
Lec 1 Introduction to Plastic Working of Metals
Lec 2 Uniaxial Tension Test Analysis
Lec 3 Temperature effects in metal forming
Lec 4 Friction and Lubrication
Lec 5 Friction and Lubrication contd
Lec 6 Deformation zone worked examples
Lec 7 Stresses at point Theory of Plasticity
Lec 8 Slab Analysis
Lec 9 Slip Line Field Theory part 1
Lec 10 Slip Line Field Theory Part 2
Lec 11 Upper Bound Theorem
Lec 12 Plasticity equations
Lec 13 Forging
Lec 14 Analysis of Forging
Lec 15 Analysis of Forging Contd
Lec 16 Forging Die Design consideration
Lec 17 Forging Load
Lec 18 Rolling of Metals
Lec 19 Analysis of Rolling
Lec 20 Analysis of Rolling Contd
Lec 21 Strain rate in the deformation zone
Lec 22 Rolling mills
Lec 23 Prblem on rolling
Lec 24 Drawing of Rods Wires and Tubes
Lec 25 Drawing of Rods Wires and Tubes Contd
Lec 26 Analysis of Wire Drawing
Lec 27 Wire Drawing Tutorial Problems
Lec 28 Extrusion Process
Lec 29 Analysis of Extrusion
Lec 30 Introduction
Lec 31 Sheet deformation process
Lec 32 Deformation of sheet in plane stress
Lec 33 Analysis of stamping
Lec 34 Instability in sheet metal forming
Lec 35 Deep drawing
Lec 36 Hydroforming
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