Looking for a high-paying UX job in today's job market? Look no further! In this video, we'll provide insider tips and a step-by-step guide to help you find and land your dream UX job.

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00:00 Intro
00:41 When to leave your current job?
01:45 How to start UX Design
03:05 UX Designer Checklist for self-assessment
04:25 How to improve Figma skills
07:55 Writing UX Design Case Studies
09:31 Must-haves in your UX Case Studies
12:05 Step-by-step guide to UX Design Career
15:11 Detailed tips on getting better jobs
19:40 Last thing
21:39 Outro

9 Week free UX/UI Course for Beginners - https://learnuiux.in/

Complete Guide on AI tools like ChatGPT & Midjourney - https://www.howtoprompt.in/

Free Hindi UX/UI Design Course (for Designers):

Free English UX/UI Design Course (for Designers):

Five Office Hours Videos you cannot miss! (Must Watch):

1. Tips and Tricks from the team that build Figma:

2. Jumping into Component Properties:

3. Auto layout Design

4. Get started with interactive components

5. Figma like the Pros

Full Office Hours Playlist here:

UI Redesign Playlist for practical hands-on learning

ChatGPT Explained - The Ultimate Guide For Beginners 2023:

Midjourney AI - Complete 2023 Guide for Beginners:

Writing UX Design Case Study: Step by Step Process (for Designers):

Mentioned Resources:
Mobbin - https://mobbin.com/?via=ansh
ChatGPT - https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
Notion - https://www.notion.so/
Pageflow - https://pageflows.com/
Dribbble - https://dribbble.com/
Checklist for UI Design - https://www.checklist.design/

Keep up with Design and AI:

Complete Roadmap to a UX Design Career:
→ https://learnuiux.in/

Learn about Prompting and AI Tools:
→ https://www.howtoprompt.in/

Comment your reviews here or on Twitter (@AnshMehraaa) or share a story on Instagram (@anshmehra.in)

Land Your Dream UX Job: Insider Tips to Get High-Paying UX Jobs
Get Paid What You're Worth: How to Find High-Paying UX Jobs
From Job Search to Job Offer: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a High-Paying UX Job
Maximize Your Earning Potential: A Guide to Finding High-Paying UX Jobs
Crack the Code to High-Paying UX Jobs: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers
Score Your Dream UX Job: How to Find and Apply for High-Paying UX Jobs
UX Career Advancement: Tips and Tricks for Getting High-Paying UX Jobs
Jumpstart Your UX Career with These High-Paying Jobs
The Ultimate Guide to Finding and Securing High-Paying UX Jobs
Boost Your UX Career with High-Paying Job Opportunities: A Guide for Job Seekers

Topics covered in the video:

In this video, Ansh Mehra provides a step-by-step guide to getting a UX design job without leaving your current job or degree, by dedicating two hours every day for around 100 to 110 days.

Ansh emphasizes the importance of assessing your financial situation before considering leaving your current job or degree.

He recommends having at least five to six months of savings before quitting a job.

Ansh advises against leaving a job or degree if you cannot dedicate the required time to study and practice UX design.

Ansh discusses the importance of networking with other designers and recruiters on platforms like Medium and LinkedIn.

He advises creating a professional social media presence to showcase your UX design work and attract opportunities.