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00:00 Intro
0:14 UI vs UX
0:30 When to use Figma
0:50 Which laptop/computer needed for Figma?
1:11 Do you need coding/graphic designing for UX?
1:38 Important topics within Figma
2:09 How much time to learn Figma?
2:50 is Figma enough for getting jobs/internships?
3:35 Free UX & UI Design course for beginners
4:12 Top resources to learn Figma for free online
4:17 Figma's YouTube channel
4:34 'Explore Design features' playlist
4:43 'Figma Tips' playlist
4:55 'Figma Office Hours' playlist
5:27 Awesome Figma tips
5:40 Figmalion - collection of Figma Tips
6:10 What are your doubts
6:33 Outro
UX Design Tutorial for beginners - Learn Figma online for free. Figma for beginner students, college students - free in Hindi - UX/UI Design for beginners in Hindi
Special thanks to @Figma for helping me become who I am today. There are dozens of sources that have inspired me to make this video so well.
My intention is to spread knowledge in a timeless way, not as mere knowledge but as a story, a narrative, something that is so exciting to listen that it inspires you and pushes you to create awesome stuff.