Jeroen V has won my first giveaway on this channel, I have sent you an email mate so reply to pass on your details whenever you can. I will be having another giveaway either at 5k or 10k

Welcome back people! As of recording this I am nearly at 1,000 subscribers but by the time it’s uploaded and goes out I may have reached that goal. I am so overjoyed that I have had such a positive feedback on my videos and that 1,000 of my viewers decided to stick around and hit that sub button. I know it’s hard to trust that such a small channel will continue to produce semi quality content consistently, but as a big thanks to those of you that have I am giving away a brand new Wacom Tablet


*This contest has nothing affiliated with Youtube and or Google, and I am running it totally off of my own back without any sponsors

Check out my portfolio website here, and feel free to get in touch about any queries or propositions

Any ideas for future videos?? Comment in the comment section and I will look into it.

Intro music by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud/va

Shine by Joakim Karud, check it his Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud/va

Check out my playlist of speed art speed paint videos

Here is my speed art time lapse video playlist

Check out this typography digital time lapse video

My most recent graphic design tutorial:

Check out my most recent speed art video here:

***************** SOCIAL NETWORKS *****************
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/satorigraphic2k
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/satori_graphics/
PINTEREST: https://uk.pinterest.com/satorigraphics/

The work is protected by copyright. This is applied to the video recording of itself as well as all artistic aspects including special protection on the final outcome. Legal steps will have to be taken if copyright is breeched. Music is used from the YouTube audio library and thus copyright free music.

Please help me out by commenting, and subscribing it really really helps me out a lot!


#graphicdesign #satorigraphics #photoshop