Urdu preposition or sometime we say Urdu post-position. In this lesson you learn how to say time phrases in Urdu language like as how to say ‘in the morning or in the evening. Subscribe us: https://www.youtube.com/urduacademyjakarta
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This Urdu lesson will help the beginners to use preposition properly. Here are some hints how we use preposition in Urdu.
1. In the evening, we translate the proposition ‘in’ as ‘ko’ not the ‘meeen’. Therefore, you will say ‘shaaam ko’ and we know that in Urdu evening is ‘shaaam’. Please remember never say ‘shaam men’ but always ‘shaam ko’
2. The same with ‘in the night’ which is ‘raat ko’.
3. But, ‘in the morning’ is different. We don’t use any preposition while saying ‘in the morning’. It is exempted therefore we say ‘Subah’ without adding ‘meen / ko’.
4. On Sunday or on Friday. i.e. the days of the week always come with preposition ‘ko’ while saying ‘on Sunday’. Sunday ko or Monday ko
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