How to make sentence in Urdu? This lesson will teach you Structure of Urdu sentence with Urdu Grammar by using They and Are in Urdu language.
The order of the Urdu words in a sentence is “Subject, Object and Verb”. For example: he is a boy (in Urdu language we will say as).
He boy is = Subject, Object and the verb. In Urdu language the Urdu verb always come at the end of the sentence before the helping verb.
for example, we are talking about food in Urdu and you want to say “ She drinks milk”
The structure Urdu sentence will be “She+Milk+Drinks+Is”
You need to remember that all Urdu sentences end with a helping or auxiliary verb like as “is, am, are etc.”
However, if the Preposition are properly attached with the nouns, the word order in Urdu language becomes freer than in English, but not as free as in Latin or Sanskrit. Altering the word order serves (in conjunction with tone of speaking) to shift the emphasis of the sentence elsewhere. If the subject is a noun, the adjective may come before the noun (in the attributive position) or between the noun and the verb (in the predicative position. The space between the subject and the verb may be filled by adverbs, instrumental phrase, dative phrase, locative phrase, etc. The interrogative particles normally come right before the word it is asking about. The word order, unlike in English, need not be reversed in a question.