Learn a unique, easy-to-use, and powerful method to black into any color that you want (including white!) in Photoshop.

The challenge with changing black into any other colors is that you need a lot of control over the brightness and contrast.

Most techniques use a single Hue and Saturation Adjustment Layer to create the color swap, which can get you good results with dark colors. But if you want to make black into a light color,
then you will wash out the image when you adjust the brightness.

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how you can use
two layers, one that controls Hue and saturation, and another that controls brightness and contrast to turn black into any color in Photoshop, including white!

I think that this method gives you the most control,
and most importantly the best results!

INDEX - Turn Black Into Any Color In Photoshop


How To Select and Mask Anything
► https://youtube.com/watch?v=0qcWeuWCkJ4&list=PL3bfN-31F9RcsA9rVxmicKuO07kowMdU1

Make a White Background into Any Color
► https://youtube.com/watch?v=XqVovsFZyck&list=PL3bfN-31F9RfB_7DNMOtdiPwvL-WAA-7F

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● Stock Images provided by stock.adobe.com
● Photoshop video tutorials by Jesus Ramirez

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