Did you know that Adobe added a powerful new feature into Photoshop 2020, and almost no one noticed?!

At the time of this recording, it is still not even mentioned in the Adobe page for the new features of Photoshop 2020, and I think it's one of the best and most powerful new features.

In this video, I am going to show you how can use Adobe Capture inside of Photoshop to create, Patterns, Vector Graphics, Color Themes, and Gradients from your photos or layers!

Let me show you how this new tool works!

INDEX - Adobe Capture Inside Photoshop Libraries
00:00 - Introduction
01:28 - Make Patterns with Adobe Capture in Photoshop
03:54 - Make Vector Graphics with Adobe Capture in Photoshop
06:23 - Make Color Themes with Adobe Capture in Photoshop
07:12 - Make Gradients with Adobe Capture in Photoshop
08:01 - Apply a Color Theme as Foreground Color
08:16 - Apply a Gradient, and Make a Gradient Into a Gradient Map.


Photoshop 2020 New Features
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgiWPuNT4PQ

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● Stock Images provided by stock.adobe.com
● Photoshop video tutorials by Jesus Ramirez

#PhotoshopTutorial #Photoshop #PTCvids