See this project on Behance:

This is my interview at Adobe MAX on the Create a Masterpiece project that I worked on.

I was commissioned by Adobe to recreate a lost painting for the Make a Masterpiece project and to showcase it at the Adobe MAX conference. 

The Make a Masterpiece project is a campaign where artist recreates paintings that have been lost or stolen using only Adobe Stock images and Photoshop.
The painting that I was assigned was The Just Judges (or The Righteous Judges). It is the lower left panel of the Ghent Altarpiece, painted by either Jan van Eyck or his brother Hubert Van Eyck between 1430–32. It is believed that the panel shows portraits of several contemporary figures such as Philip the Good, and possibly the artists Hubert and Jan van Eyck themselves. The panel was stolen in 1934 and has never been found.

The final image was created with 115 Adobe Stock images, and over 1,500 layers. The final document was 4.7 GB. It took over 80 hours of work.