Easy-to-follow tutorial showing you how to make any background white in photoshop. This technique works for people, products, or anything else!
In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn to use the Select and Mask Workspace to extract the background. How to keep the original shadow and apply it to the white background. And how to create a Light Wrap with a Layer Style.
Like all my Photoshop tutorials, this video is filled with a ton of hidden gems, so watch it until the end!
I hope that you enjoy this video!
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INDEX - How To Make a Background White in Photoshop
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Creating the White Background
01:51 - Select the Main Subject
02:20 - Fine-Tune The Mask with Quick Mask
03:34 - Create the Mask and Refine the Mask Edge
04:45 - Apply the Second Select and Mask Adjustment to Hair
05:30 - Fine-Tune The Details of the Mask with The Brush Tool
05:58 - Mask the Shadow
07:00 - Use the Clone Stamp Tool to Remove Unwanted Objects
08:05 - Blur out shadow details and texture.
09:07 - MSI Creator Z16
10:35 - Selectively Apply The Shadow
11:46 - Levels Adjustment to Control Shadow Intensity
12:20 - Apply Contact Shadows
12:59 - Create a Light Wrap
14:35 - Final Thoughts
MSI Creator Z16
► https://bit.ly/MSI-Creator-Z16
How To Remove a Background In Photoshop [For Beginners!]
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQQqnn2uZv4&list=PL3bfN-31F9RcsA9rVxmicKuO07kowMdU1
Tutorial Images
► https://photoshoptrainingchannel.com/how-to-make-a-background-white-in-photoshop/
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● Stock Images provided by stock.adobe.com
● Photoshop video tutorials by Jesus Ramirez
#PhotoshopTutorial #Photoshop #PTCvids