Learn how to easily adjust facial features in Photoshop using these magical tools.

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INDEX - Adjust Facial Features in Photoshop
00:00 - Introduction
00:20 - Covert The Portrait Into a Smart Object
01:00 - Apply Face-Aware in The Liquify Filter To Adjust Facial Features
02:27 - Use Puppet Warp to Adjust Facial Features
04:16 - Selectively Apply The Puppet Warp Facial Adjustment with Masks
04:48 - Final Thoughts


Hands Over Face Double Exposure Effect
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3aoHqikgtg&list=PL3bfN-31F9RdvrF7IBykeyNJbEPoWgWJh

Puppet Warp Crash Course
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRGt7byhS50&list=PL3bfN-31F9RdzVhwXPj0yEceDozZGGVxP

Tutorial Images
► https://photoshoptrainingchannel.com/adjust-facial-features-in-photoshop/

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● Stock Images provided by stock.adobe.com
● Stock Images provided by unsplash.com

● Photoshop video tutorials by Jesus Ramirez

#PhotoshopTutorial #Photoshop #PTCvids