Elevate your Photoshop skills with this advanced Photoshop tutorial. Join Dansky and dive into advanced techniques for combining creative assets, mastering photo manipulation, and achieving stunning visual effects to produce professional artwork that stands out.
► Envato, the must-have subscription for any creative: https://elements.envato.com/?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_ObKsCs5mYGQ&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
Discover how to craft mesmerizing underwater scenes, perfect color grading, seamlessly blend textures, and apply eye-catching effects using creative LUTs.
Refine your text treatments, leverage the power of Camera RAW, and work with realistic mockups to present your designs in a way that resonates with discerning clients and peers alike.
Find all the creative asset Dansky uses in this Envato collection: https://elements.envato.com/collections/FEXYCUNKBZ?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_ObKsCs5mYGQ&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
Here's what you'll learn:
00:00:00 Advanced Photoshop Techniques
00:00:39 Preparation
00:03:40 Composition
00:08:22 Creating an Underwater Effect
00:13:30 Retouching Underwater Elements
00:20:57 Balancing Color
00:24:29 Blending Texture
00:26:46 Adding a Sun Flare Highlight
00:33:18 Adding Water Splashes
00:37:19 Using a LUT
00:38:56 Adding & Blending Text
00:42:55 Enhancing with Camera RAW
00:45:34 Creating a Mockup
Don't forget to check out Dansky's channel: @ForeverDansky
Video Creator: @ForeverDansky
Producer: Joel Bankhead
Video Editor: Marco Correa Limón
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If you're looking to sharpen your Photoshop skills, this advanced course covers tools and effects that can make a big difference in your projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8EakX0fMnc&ab_channel=EnvatoTuts%2B
Envato Tuts+
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Access an unrivaled range of high-quality assets and templates from our community of global artists, with one simple subscription.
► Envato, the must-have subscription for any creative: https://elements.envato.com/?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_ObKsCs5mYGQ&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
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