If you're new to web design, this course on web design for beginners will teach you everything you need to know. ► Download creative digital assets with Envato: https://elements.envato.com/?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_B-ytMSuwbf8&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description

“How do I pick typefaces, how do I pick colors, what the heck is whitespace, and how do I position and size elements correctly?” These are exactly the kinds of questions which we’ll address in this beginner web design tutorial.

► Download creative digital assets with Envato Elements: https://elements.envato.com/?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_B-ytMSuwbf8&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description

In terms of fundamentals, you’ll learn about color, typography, spacing, sizing, imagery, and responsive web design. We’ll discuss the theory, best practices, and some tools you can use to make your job easier.

When it comes to common web design patterns, you’ll learn about the elements you can use to design a web page—things like headers, hero areas, buttons, image galleries, contact forms, and more.

For each of these patterns, we’ll look at the definition and some use cases, and then we’ll apply that knowledge to a demo project: a three-page portfolio website designed specifically for this course.

► Check out this link for the project brief and course assignments: https://bit.ly/37YMk4W
► Read the course notes (and more!) for Web Design for Beginners on Envato Tuts+: https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/web-design-for-beginners-epic-free-course--cms-41118?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_B-ytMSuwbf8&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
► Link to wireframe portfolio website with Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/Ak0JQMv65digqiASGnoLI0/Portfolio-Website?node-id=0%3A1

What You'll Learn:

00:00:00 Welcome!
00:04:31 Course brief and assignment
00:05:48 UI design vs. UX design vs. web design
00:14:08 Learning to work with project briefs
00:19:59 Working with wireframes
00:28:08 Picking the right design tool
00:33:53 Color theory
00:51:36 Color harmonies, psychology and tools
01:03:11 Creating a color palette for our project
01:20:00 Let’s talk about typography
01:31:11 Creating the typography for our project
01:46:01 Spacing and sizing in web design
01:54:47 Using icons and images in web design
02:03:33 Definition and use cases for headers
02:11:39 Let’s design a header
02:28:16 Definition and use cases for hero areas
02:33:06 Let’s design a hero area
02:39:08 Definition and use cases for buttons
02:44:46 Let’s design some buttons
02:57:27 Definition and use cases for image galleries
03:01:38 Let’s design an image gallery
03:12:34 Definition and use cases for footers
03:17:55 Let’s design the footer
03:26:37 Definition and use cases for testimonials
03:31:48 Let’s design some testimonials
03:44:15 Definition and use cases for tabs
03:48:11 Let’s design some tabs
03:59:47 Definition and use cases for accordions
04:04:03 Let's design an accordion
04:13:19 Definition and use cases for contact forms
04:18:17 Let’s design a contact form
04:32:49 What is a responsive website?
04:36:55 Making layout changes for tablets and phones
04:56:44 Making a component responsive
05:09:52 A quick word about prototyping
05:16:11 Next steps and key takeaways

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Envato Tuts+
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Envato Elements
All the creative assets you need under one subscription. Customize your project by adding unique photos, fonts, graphics, and themes.
► Download Unlimited Stock Photos, Fonts & Templates with Envato Elements: https://elements.envato.com/?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_B-ytMSuwbf8&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description

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