Since we are welcoming another sweet baby to our little family I thought it would be fun to share some of my process of creating her first year baby book. Just like for my boys I am doing a 12x12 album so that I can easily incorporate plenty of photos and keep it quite structured and chronological. I have decided to share everything from gathering supplies to placing them in the album as well as some process videos further down the track, so if you would like to follow along I would love to have you join me!

In this episode I am sharing some of the simple DIY embellishments I have been making to use in my album. Stay tuned to see this project evolve

My Little Love DIY tiny word sticker printable:

E M A I L: [email protected]

E T S Y S H O P:

I N S T A G R A M:
personal: @johannaclough
business: @littlebindy

B L O G:

P I N T E R E S T:

F A C E B O O K: