I have recently finished up my personal writing journal - the last 'Journal With Me' process video will be up soon!

So moving on with my personal journalling journey- I have decided to challenge myself with an art journal style this time and I thought I would share some of my journey here with you!
Art journals have always seemed daunting to me because other people's art always looks so amazing!
So I'm kind of a newbie, but so far i'm having lots of fun and learning a lot about letting go of perfection and just doing art for arts sake, that doesn't require any planning or expectations.

E M A I L: [email protected]

E T S Y S H O P: www.littlebindy.etsy.com

I N S T A G R A M: @littlebindy

B L O G: johannaalyssa.blogspot.com.au

P I N T E R E S T: www.pinterest.com/johannaalyssa/

F A C E B O O K: www.facebook.com/littlebindy