#johannaclough #junkjournal #forbeginners
Here is my most recent completed personal journal. I hope this flip through gives you some ideas and inspiration on ways you can fill your own junk journal :)

Mentioned in this video:
First journal entry printable: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1454789263/first-journal-page-kit-junk-journal-kit?click_key=4c380551775ae89a1bebfd5efe08d4517e40c7c3%3A1454789263&click_sum=a2e18bd6&ref=shop_home_active_4&pro=1
my etsy shop (journaling printables): https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/JohannaAlyssa
Teachable (the local tourist class): https://johanna-clough.teachable.com/
This journal before I used it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hopUM89qCY&t=166s


Other places to find me
Shop: https://etsy.com/shop/johannaalyssa
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/johannaclough
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/johannaalyssa
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@johannaclough
Take my classes: https://johanna-clough.teachable.com/

Affiliate links:
Taperlogy (Use code JOHANNA for 15% off!)

The Washi Tape Shop (Use code JOHANNA10 for 10% off) https://thewashitapeshop.com/?aff=412



For business enquiries: [email protected]


Journal inspiration, Diy journal, Scrapbook journal, How to fill a journal, Art journals, Journal with me, Scrapbook ideas, Junk Journaling, Junk Journal ideas, Tips for journaling, How to scrapbook, Diy scrapbook, How to use a junk journal