Here's a flip through of my finished TN insert, I have been using this one to collage very random junky bits and pieces! It's another visual type of journal approach, with no planning and no fuss whatsoever!

If you liked the look of the pocket page notebook make sure to check it out here, it's an original, exclusive design by The Stamp Spot:

Check out TheReBookery channel here for so much vintage, junky journalling goodness!:

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personal: @johannaclough
business: @littlebindy

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F A C E B O O K:

I try my best to read and respond to each comment but unfortunately I cannot always respond to everyone. I appreciate and value ALL of the support on my channel and I thank you so much for watching!

All content, ideas and instructions shared here are for your inspiration and may not be used or reproduced for commercial purposes or in large scales in any form without my written permission. All tutorials shared on my channel are for personal use only.

Little Bindy Books © shared on my channel are for customer convenience and inspiration of other artists/creators. All designs are exclusive of Little Bindy journals and are not to be recreated or reproduced in any form.

All content, designs and images are copyright of Johanna Clough © Little Bindy Books 2013-2017 All rights reserved.
Thank you for your support.