UPDATE: check out my easy binding tutorial here (shown briefly in this video):

NOTE: Please keep in mind that this is just ONE way to demonstrate how you could go about making a simple journal, and [of course!] you can change things about it to make it suit you! There are never any rules it is all about personal preference!

I made this video specifically for those of you that are beginners, that have asked about making journals and where to start.
This video doesn't go into great detail, however I hope it can help you break down the steps and make your project less intimidating!
There are SO many different ways to do these things, and there is no right or wrong! Learning your own techniques and style comes simply from trial and error. And the best part is you can usually use what you already have on hand, especially if you are just learning, or practicing your technique.

Here are some binding tutorial videos I believe to be very informative:
-Marianne Kensington (poketfullofvintage):

-Sea Lemon DIY channel- she has multiple tutorials on different binding methods:

- recycled cardboard (cereal box, biscuit box, packaging etc)
- Paper trimmer (Mine is American Crafts)
-PVA glue
- cover decoration (I used scrapbook paper but you could also cover yours with wrapping paper, plain paper, paint, newspaper etc)
- inside pages (I used scrapbook paper scraps but you could use anything you have including plain copy paper, newspaper, wrapping paper, junk mail, brochures, note paper, etc)

For binding you will need a needle, awl, thread and possibly a ruler, pencil and paper if you wish to make a template, please see my binding tutorial for more details.

More journalling videos:
Starting a journal: https://youtu.be/fc0gRir7ML4
Beginner supplies for journalling: https://youtu.be/U61DONvEBRI
Junk journal with me: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGzLZeIAjhfNLqzYk464ZLZrPmW9nFYJ0
Finished journal flip through: https://youtu.be/Z4fLMbGYms0
Add easy tabs to your journal: https://youtu.be/Tx0xAS6V_Tg

#johannaclough #junkjournal #forbeginners

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E T S Y S H O P: http://www.littlebindy.etsy.com

I N S T A G R A M: @littlebindy

B L O G: http://johannaalyssa.blogspot.com.au

P I N T E R E S T: http://www.pinterest.com/johannaalyssa/

F A C E B O O K: http://www.facebook.com/littlebindy

Music: bensound.com

Journal inspiration, Diy journal, Scrapbook journal, How to fill a journal, Art journals, Journal with me, Scrapbook ideas, Junk Journaling, Junk Journal ideas, Tips for journaling, How to scrapbook, Diy scrapbook, How to use a junk journal