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Sometimes it's hard to sit still and meditate but I found an easier way.
Thanks to my patrons!
Njord V, Carrie P, Jan R, Monica a, Scott S, Paula U, Lesley P, Ashley, Sinead M, Daffne, Sarah N, A. Edward O, Rob, Claudia S B, Helen D, Gabriel G, Kelly R, Kristin L, Eric S, Toni Mcc, Tasleem M, Bk Muze, Swtos a, Just O, Gaby, Mike S, Katie V, Ƒ.ɠ. N K, Lou D, Garrett W, Yash C, Ted S, Michael B, Andrew J O, Erika, Etienne, Alessandra M, Eduardo a R, Brigita, William B, Fiona T, Kristen H, Kennyofcolo, Alethia, Janet R, Ehm., Catalina S, Paula, Deanna, Michael