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While studying triangles I stumbled on this oddly satisfying spiral pattern.
This video was made possible thanks to my awesome Patreon supporters and channel members...
Pauline Adjibade, Joe James, Christine Savoie, Théodric Assurbanipal Cremb, Shalane Powrie, Flow Mum, Helene R S, Lisa Brinkmann, Melinda, Lauren Morasky, Lorrie Meyercord, Miquie, Taylan Dilek, Omar Bautista Bazán, Paul Burgoine, Adrienne Baker, Casie Hansen, Linda Foleymiller, Lisa Cedarleaf Morris, Liliana Arroyo, Myles Williams, Matt Beller, Miraculeux, Magdalena Cholewa, Pamela Bowman, Scott Clayman, Sean Hardy, Ciena Ollier, Marcille, Pasquale De Donato, Kirstie Lack, Melanie a. Dunne, Mirela Ragar, Luc Druppel, Cristal Pozo, Linda Dawson, Michele Vaughan, Jasmine, Hari Prasad Mood, Derrick V, Sheela Maradi, Fiorella, Kelinna Willows, El Rancho De Pablo, Alexa Dragomir, Kenzie, Isabelle, Robert Paulson, Shakti, Viviana Schiffer, Adam Tomes, Kimberley Slaker, Danielle Smith, Raggi, Anson Burtch, Jp Shenton, Beate Pühler, Angela, Germaine Rea, Balint Ilona, Matt Cranwell, Thea Bristlebroom, Jayna Fia, Angelica Thrasher, Luca De Grandis, Carolina Cuartas, Eryn Becker, Linda, Matthias Melziarek, Piero Piccini, Pascal Huriaux, All Atsea, Alyssa Rudnicki, John Hobson, George Cosmas, Shaans, Lesley Szetey, Aleksandra, Jacqueline Coke, Jacqueline Korvin, True Mcchesney, Noreen a Rochford, James Greenway, Gen Grant, Yolanda Van Der Holst, Laurie Webb, Clau Navarro, Char, Ryan L, Pelin Erturk, Marsolaire Leon, Nicki O'neill, Mike Storring, Heather, Eloah______, Stefano, Marion Guyatt, Brandon Henderson, Uma Singhania, Khosrow Barati Araghi, Jeremy, Wayne Webb, Gregory Brown, Mari-janelle
Thank you!