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Get your free certificate of completion for the Android App with Python course, Register Now: https://glacad.me/3qZL0q8
Did you ever wonder how android apps are made using python programming? Let me tell you. Python programming language consists of n number of inbuilt libraries which are used in performing different tasks, helps in making GUIs, and help in making Apps. So from a list of 10-15 libraries, today we are going to focus upon the Kivy library, a very powerful tool for making android apps with the help of python. In this respective video, I will be going through three different modules - Module q will consist of the introduction to python for android and the libraries used in android. Module 2- will focus upon the kivy library, its widgets, its labels, etc., and Module 3 - will focus upon making some cool python android projects.
Topics Covered:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:20 Python for Android
00:06:29 Modules/Libraries for Android
00:09:19 Kivy Library
00:13:55 Widgets in Kivy
00:17:06 Install Kivy Library
00:19:48 Selfie App
00:39:26 Calculator App
01:21:21 Library Management App
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