Time series forecasting is the process of analyzing time series data using statistics and modeling to make predictions and inform strategic decision-making. Industries from energy and retail to transportation and finance today rely on time series forecasting for projecting product demand, resource allocation, financial performance, predictive maintenance, and countless other applications. Despite the potential of time series forecasting to transform business models and improve bottom lines, many companies have yet to adopt its technologies and reap the benefits. Time series forecasting is a technique for predicting future events by analyzing past trends, based on the assumption that future trends will hold similar to historical trends. In this course, we’ll learn about multivariate time series forecasting for the covid-19 1st wave.

0:00:00- Introduction
0:00:50- Time Series Forecasting
0:07:25- Case Study - Multivariate Time Series Forecasting for Covid-19 1st Wave
1:02:37- Conclusion

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