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Dear Learners Welcome to this video “Data Structures and Algorithms in Python”, where learners can begin with very basic topics like Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data Structures like Array, Stack, Queue and linked list with introduction, examples, and Implementation using Python Programming language. Proceeding with concepts you can learn tree data structures like binary tree, binary search tree creation, traversal and implementation.
In the algorithm part, we start with finding the time and space complexity of algorithms. Searching and Sorting concepts like binary search, linear search, Insertion sort, and Quicksort with implementation using python programming language are also included. Towards the end of this course, you will learn and implement different programming approaches like the divide and conquer greedy method, and dynamic programming with examples like Merge sort, Minimum Spanning tree algorithm, and Towers of Hanoi concepts using Python Programming language. So let's start the video and learn more about Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.
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Topics Covered:
00:00:00 Course Introduction
00:01:54 Agenda
00:04:47 Introduction to Data Structure
00:09:11 Inbuilt and User-Defined Data Structure in Python
00:39:28 Arrays Introduction
00:52:50 Arrays Implementation
01:06:40 Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays
01:12:26 Stack
01:31:57 Advantages and Disadvantages of Stack
01:33:53 Queue introduction
01:38:22 Queue implementation
01:46:07 Advantages and Disadvantages of Queue
02:48:05 Linked list
04:09:55 Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List
04:14:04 Binary tree introduction
04:17:20 Binary tree implementation
04:26:34 Advantages and Disadvantages of Binary Tree
04:28:05 Binary search tree introduction
04:31:26 Binary search tree implementation
04:43:47 Advantages and Disadvantages of Binary search Tree
04:45:16 Graphs introduction
04:49:46 Breadth-first search implementation
04:53:01 Depth-first search implementation
04:56:42 Hash tables introduction
05:01:31 Hashing implementation
05:04:54 Algorithms introduction and algorithmic analysis
05:22:38 Finding space and time complexity
05:32:57 Linear Search
05:35:52 Linear search implementation
05:38:27 Complexity analysis of Linear Search
05:41:59 Binary Search
05:55:31 Binary search implementation
05:58:22 Complexity analysis of Binary Search
06:01:34 Insertion sort
06:10:11 Insertion sort implementation
06:14:12 Complexity analysis of Insertion sort
06:22:38 Selection sort
06:33:14 Selection sort implementation
06:38:21 Complexity analysis of Selection sort
06:47:19 Quicksort
07:01:20 Quicksort implementation
07:06:32 Complexity analysis of Quicksort
07:12:08 Introduction to Divide and Conquer approach
07:15:06 Merge sort
07:27:10 merge sort implementation
07:30:33 Introduction to Greedy's approach
07:31:37 Prim's minimal Spanning Tree algorithm
07:38:07 Prim's minimal Spanning Tree algorithm implementation
07:42:05 Introduction to Dynamic Programming
07:43:31 Tower of Hanoi
07:46:35 Tower of Hanoi implementation
07:54:19 Summary
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