Hello All, In this video, I am talking about -
- Full HTML Course for Beginners
Note: This channel is for "EVERYONE" who wants to learn "Complete Digital Marketing"

Time Stamp :
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:33 Why do we need to learn HTML CSS for SEO?
00:12:48 Structure of HTML Document in Hindi | HTML Page Structure
00:21:18 What is Div Tag in HTML | How to use Div Tag
00:28:05 What is a Tag in HTML? | How to Create Hyperlink in HTML
00:33:16 What is CSS and Its types ? | CSS Explained in Hindi
00:42:16 What is JavaScript | How it is used in Digital Marketing ?
00:51:06 What are Meta Tags | Important Meta Tags for SEOs
00:58:56 What are Image Tag | How it is Used in HTML ?
01:05:33 What are IDs & Classes in HTML | IDs vs Classes in HTML
01:13:05 Important Text Formatting Tags in HTML
01:17:51 What is CSS Selector | How to use CSS Selectors in Digital Marketing
01:25:17 What is Web Developer Tools?
01:34:18 What is Media Query | Why Media query is used?
01:39:47 What are Inline Frames in HTML
01:44:40 What are CSS Minification in Website
01:49:25 What is JavaScript Minification and How to do it?
01:54:26 How to Disable Theme Editor in WordPress
01:57:07 Basic Understanding of HTML/ CSS/ JS as a Digital Marketer
02:02:28 How to Install Scripts (Google Analytics/ Google Tag Manager) Using Cpanel ?

Top Playlists [Free Courses] are:
- Google Ads
- Facebook Ads
- GA4
- Digital Marketing Basics/Fundaments
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- Google Search Console
- Automations
- & Many More

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