Today, I dive into this SEO tutorial for beginners and share how to add meta titles and meta descriptions for your WordPress pages and posts.

By adding and optimising your website pages and posts meta titles and meta descriptions, you will be able to rank higher on search engines like Google Search. You will also drive more relevant clicks when people find your website online.

► These are the videos I mentioned in this SEO tutorial for beginners:

Learn how to backup your WordPress website:

Learn how to use Yoast SEO for beginners:

► Today we navigate through the below chapters for this SEO tutorial for beginners:

0:00 Intro
01:22 Getting started
01:39 Install Yoast SEO plugin
02:04 Back up your website
03:03 Setup Yoast SEO plugin
03:46 Select page or post
04:23 Add your focus keyphrase (keyword)
05:46 Preview title & description on Google
06:23 Add SEO title (Meta title)
07:13 Add URL slug
07:57 Add meta description
08:58 SEO analysis section
10:05 Outro

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Let me know if you found this WordPress title and meta description tutorial helpful. Also, if you require any help or support, make sure to get in touch with us today.

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

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