In this video, I talk about the major types of Google Ads. There are two main locations for your Google ads. The first is the Google search network. The GSN includes all of Google's search-related websites as well as partnering search websites. The second is the Google Display Network. The GDN includes YouTube, Gmail, and millions of partnering websites. These websites leave spaces for Google ads to rent, varying on a visit to visit basis.
1. Text ads:
Google search - great for brand (artificial SEO) because your brand will appear first in searches for your name. Also great to improve future organic ranking. This could also be used to target keywords related to your products or services, as well as competitors and adjacent businesses. Note: 53% of Google clicks are on the first link in a search.
GDN - text ads can appear on blogs or other text type websites. These may not always be as effective as an image ad though, depending on the case.
2. Responsive ads: these are ads that can change to fit in almost any advertising space. These can be image or text ads and can change height and width to fit the available dimensions. Typically only on the GDN
3. Image ads: very similar to the responsive ads in that these are usually images on websites. These can be banners on websites or in other locations, depending on the size. Image ads can be static, dynamic, or interactive. Typically on the GDN, including YouTube
4. Video - these are especially common on YouTube as video preroll ads. Preroll ads are short commercials before videos, but this same concept can be used in the middle or even the end of videos
5. Shopping ads - an image, brief description, link, and price appear on the GDN. Commonly seen in google search results and image results.
6. Shopping showcase: these shopping showcases can be found on GDN websites and typically are formatted as either a banner or large block with several products displayed with images, titles, and prices.
7. Call only - these are similar to text ads but link only to phone numbers. The desired customer action is a phone call instead of a website visit.
8. Gmail sponsored emails - emails appear in the "promotions" tab on gmail. If users open the emails, they will see the sponsor's ad and can click on it or interact accordingly
9. Google Guaranteed - businesses can be "Google Guaranteed" and in doing so, they get the top search result in a small box for terms such as "local plumber". These results show a green check mark next to the brand and say "Google Guaranteed" which means that Google looked into the company's required licensing and documentation and verified its legitimacy.
10. App promotions - in-app advertising is especially popular in free games on the app stores today. These ads can link to websites or to other apps for users to download.
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