Color Sampler tool in Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Photoshop | Tutorials Point

The Color Sampler Tool in Adobe Photoshop allows you to sample colors from an image and store them for future reference. You can select up to four color samplers in an image and use them to monitor color values as you edit. The color values are displayed in various color modes including RGB, CMYK, LAB, and HSL. The Color Sampler Tool is located in the Eyedropper Tool group in the toolbar and can be accessed by pressing the 'I' key or clicking and holding down the Eyedropper Tool to reveal the drop-down menu.
To use the Color Sampler Tool in Adobe Photoshop:
1. Open the image you want to work with.
2. Select the Color Sampler Tool from the toolbar or press the 'I' key.
3. Click on the area of the image where you want to sample the color. You can select up to four color samples in an image.
4. The color values for the selected sample will be displayed in the Info panel. You can change the color mode from the panel by clicking on the drop-down menu.
5. As you make changes to the image, the color values for the selected samples will be updated in the Info panel. This allows you to monitor the color values and ensure they remain consistent as you edit.
6. To remove a color sample, simply click on it with the Color Sampler Tool while holding down the Alt key.
7. To reset all color samples, go to the Info panel and click the Reset button.

Note: The Color Sampler Tool can be useful when you need to maintain specific color values in an image, such as skin tones, sky color, etc.

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Lecture By: Rushi Panchal, Tutorials Point India Private Limited
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