The Eye Dropper tool in Adobe Photoshop is a color sampling tool that allows you to select a color from an image and use it for various purposes such as painting, color correction, and color matching.
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Lecture By: Rushi Panchal, Tutorials Point India Private Limited
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The Eye Dropper tool can be found in the toolbar and is represented by an eyedropper icon. You can use it by clicking on the color you want to sample, and then using the color in a different part of the image or another layer.
Here's how to use the Eyedropper tool in Adobe Photoshop:
Select the Eyedropper tool from the toolbar (press the "I" key to quickly select it).
Click on a color in the image that you want to sample.
The color you selected will now be the foreground color. You can use it by selecting the Paint Bucket tool, Brush tool, or any other tool that uses the foreground color.
Note: You can also change the sample size of the Eyedropper tool by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac) and selecting a sample size from the context menu. The default sample size is 3 by 3 pixels, but you can choose from a range of sizes up to 51 by 51 pixels.
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