Slice tool in Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Photoshop | Tutorials Point
The Slice tool in Adobe Photoshop is used to divide an image into smaller, more manageable parts, allowing you to export each section as a separate image file. This can be useful for creating web graphics, where each slice can be saved as a separate file and then combined on a web page to create a larger image. The Slice tool allows you to define the size and shape of each slice, and to specify the file format and other export settings for each slice.
To use the Slice tool in Adobe Photoshop, follow these steps:
1. Open an image in Photoshop.
2. Select the Slice tool from the toolbar, or press "C" on the keyboard to activate it.
3. Draw slices on the image by clicking and dragging with the tool.
4. Adjust the size and shape of each slice by clicking and dragging the slice's handles.
5. Right-click on a slice and select "Save As" to specify the export settings for that slice, such as the file format and location.
6. Repeat step 5 for each slice.
7. When you're ready to export, go to File - Export - Save for Web (Legacy), or press "Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S ".
8. In the "Save for Web" dialog box, select the slices you want to export, and click the "Save" button.
That's it! The slices will be exported as separate image files.
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Lecture By: Rushi Panchal, Tutorials Point India Private Limited
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