Sudoku - A popular puzzle game that has also gained interest among programmers due to its logical nature.

Today, we learn how to use a recursive method to solve a puzzle with brute force. While no guessing is actually required to solve a Sudoku puzzle, the method we see here takes an elegant approach to guessing, deriving solutions in a very short amount of time.

= Links and Downloads =
WinSudoku -
Full sudoku client that also lets you generate puzzles

Download the code here -

= Contents =
0:47 Rules of Sudoku
2:06 Part 1 - Architecture
-→ 2:29 Solving Strategies
-→ 3:16 Psuedocode (explaination focusing on the recursion)

6:42 Part 2 - Programming the Basics
-→ 7:21 Converting the board to mutable lists
-→ 9:07 Building the solve() function which checks every cell
-→ 10:33 Function for getting the possible values in a cell
---→ 11:48 Brief digression to look at Python comprehensions and sets
---→ 14:54 Return to writing getPossibilities()
---→ 17:10 Discussion on how to extract 3x3 squares
---→ 20:51 Testing the getPossibilities() function
-→ 22:06 Making the solve() function loop and solve as much as it can
-→ 23:22 I fix some bugs and provide a new board
-→ 24:00 Writing a printBoard() function

25:50 Part 3 - Getting started with the recursive solution
-→ 26:36 Writing isComplete() to check if the game is complete
-→ 27:56 Finding a cell to guess with
-→ 28:56 Starting to write the recursive step
-→ 29:38 Rolling back bad guesses with copy.deepcopy()
-→ 30:50 Detecting contradictions
-→ 32:46 We're done! Now testing

34:15 Conclusion

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