In CS courses, you will often come across data structures that are created through a linkage of nodes. Some examples include Linked List and graph data structures.
Today, we look at the Java OOP method of tackling this problem! We will begin by building a simple data structure, extensible for use in many different applications.
Recommended Pre-requisite knowledge for the best learning experience:
- Basic Java knowledge
- Basic Object Oriented Programming knowledge, preferably in Java
= Contents =
Want to skip ahead? Here are some timestamps!
0:00 Introduction
2:32 Contents Page
3:56 Introduction to Node Data Structure
5:57 Building a basic Node
8:08 First test of Node data structure
10:01 Basics of Linked Lists + Code
13:14 Running the Linked List code
14:40 Introduction to Generics
15:59 Testing Generics
17:26 Introduction to expanded Node data structure
17:49 Start to code generic node
21:15 Graph data structure test
23:16 Testing depth first search on our graph
26:18 Wrapup discussion
= Related Content =
Here are some videos / playlists I've created in the past that may also be of interest:
Linked Lists:
Depth First Search on Graphs:
Graph Algorithms:
To view and download the code written in this video, check out the following Bitbucket repository:
To download, first click on "Downloads" in the left sidebar. Then, in the subsequent page, click "Download Repository".
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