We take a closer look at Huffman Coding, a compression technique that is used in some familiar file formats like MP3 and JPG!

This encoding technique takes a very interesting approach to compression - By generating a code that is specially designed for the input data, using less bits for symbols that appear more often, and more bits for symbols that appear less often. The technique in which this is done is complex at first, involving tree data structures and a priority queue, but once explained, it's actually pretty simple!

Want to see Huffman Coding in action and delve into the tree with any input you provide? Check out the Huffman Encoder on NERDfirst resources → http://resources.nerdfirst.net/huffman

To view and download the code written in this video, check out the following Bitbucket repository: https://bitbucket.org/nerdfirst/huffman-encoding-simulator/

To download, first click on "Downloads" in the left sidebar. Then, in the subsequent page, click "Download Repository".

= 0612 TV =
0612 TV, a sub-project of NERDfirst.net, is an educational YouTube channel. Started in 2008, we have now covered a wide range of topics, from areas such as Programming, Algorithms and Computing Theories, Computer Graphics, Photography, and Specialized Guides for using software such as FFMPEG, Deshaker, GIMP and more!

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0612 TV Official Writeup: http://nerdfirst.net/0612tv
More about me: http://about.me/lcc0612
Official Twitter: http://twitter.com/0612tv

= NERDfirst =
NERDfirst is a project allowing me to go above and beyond YouTube videos into areas like app and game development. It will also contain the official 0612 TV blog and other resources.

Watch this space, and keep your eyes peeled on this channel for more updates! http://nerdfirst.net/


Disclaimer: Please note that any information is provided on this channel in good faith, but I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy / correctness on all content. Contributors to this channel are not to be held responsible for any possible outcomes from your use of the information.