What are databases? Today, in under half an hour, we crash course through the most important aspects of what a database is and what kind of operations can be carried out on them!

Have basic SQL figured out? Then try some more advanced techniques, where we combine tables, and even use multiple SQL queries together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QziwC_ltqyA

= Resources =
SQLite Browser: http://sqlitebrowser.org/
Database downloads: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2Ia5aQpQ8CnN2prbVV0VzBWOVE?resourcekey=0-5fwOo5ikFBxg-YdA6BiNKw&usp=sharing

= Contents =
0:00 Introduction
1:00 Contents Page
2:16 What is a Database?
3:05 Database Software
4:24 Description of the software we will use (SQLite Browser)
5:59 Crash Course on Database structure and contents
7:14 Program and Database Overview
8:06 SELECT Statements
9:14 Using WHERE with SELECT
10:45 Sorting results using ORDER BY with SELECT
11:15 Using functions to further process results of SELECT
11:50 INSERT Statement
13:01 DELETE Statement
14:23 UPDATE Statement
15:27 CREATE TABLE Statement
17:10 Intermediate SQL
18:52 SELECT from multiple tables
19:49 Filtering the result to get only relevant rows
20:30 Aliasing tables
21:03 Filtering columns
21:40 Performing math in a SELECT statement
22:37 Aliasing columns
23:25 Grouping similar rows
23:44 Using functions alongside grouping
24:33 Applying the same to a larger table
25:29 Things we haven't discussed
26:43 Outtro

= Licensing =
Some scenes from this video contain data from the following Wikipedia pages:

As such, this video is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. For the full text of the license, please refer to the following URL:

= 0612 TV =
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