Water Is The Best Teacher. Take 3 Minutes To Answer These Questions and Transform Your Swim Forever! https://forms.gle/88dbs7i5AKTLFair5 Immerse yourself in an inspiring tale of triumph and determination in this video, as we unravel the journey of an athlete who defied death and set an unbeatable record that shook the world of competitive swimming. From battling Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia to gracing the Olympic podium, this is a testament to human resilience, embodying hope, and unyielding pursuit of dreams. Like, share, and subscribe to Skills N Talents for more extraordinary stories from the world of swimming, and let us know in the comments how this journey has touched you.

Maarten Van Der Weijden foundation:

Men's Marathon Swim / Beijing 2008

The Secret Balance of Champions

Korte docu: Ik geef alles - Maarten van der Weijden

How did she Swim so FAST if she DIDN’T enjoy it!?

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Swimming camps:

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Swim fast!