60 minute Restorative Yoga for Mental Health
This Friday on Yoga with Bird we have a special guest from Yoga with Melissa. Melissa West, Ph.D. trained with Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and her therapeutic approach to restorative yoga is the perfect antidote to the mental and emotional stress we have been experiencing during the lockdown and isolation due to covid-19.
This year, with the worldwide experience of covid-19, it is an understatement to say that many of us have most likely been finding it difficult to manage how we think, feel, and act with respect to daily stresses. Over time, this takes its toll on our mental health.
Mental health, defined by the World Health Organization, is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
This restorative yoga class will allow you to release the physical, mental, and emotional tension from a difficult year and to release into the comfort and support of your props, the ground, your blankets, eye pillows and bolsters.
Comments from Bird: I want to send my gratitude to Melissa and her husband Tim who took the time to film and create such a beautiful and much needed class for you all. It's such a special collaboration as Melissa was one of the first yoga teachers i've experienced the practice of yoga with right at home on YouTube. I resonate so much to her teachings and the wisdom that she shares with each practice. I have learned so much from Melissa over the years from her beautiful and healing classes, i am beyond grateful to have the opportunity to come together and not only share the practice worldwide but uplift each other at the same time. I hope that you enjoy this wonderful class as much as i do! Thank you Melissa & Tim for these incredibly life changing offerings
Yoga Essentials:
Yoga Mat Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/3eD8Pfh
Yoga Blocks Cork Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/36afzxc
Yoga Blocks Foam Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/36afzxc
Yoga Strap Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/358Y4hG
Yoga Bolster Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/358XYXm
Meditation Cushion Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/36afzxc
Zabuton Amazon.com https://amzn.to/36afzxc Amazon.ca https://amzn.to/36afzxc
Restorative Yoga: Relax, Restore, Re-Energize by Caren Baginski https://amzn.to/3ggdRin
Melissa receives a small percentage from the above affiliate links.
#restorativeyoga #yogaformentalhealth #yogawithmelissa
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NOTE: Some links may be affiliate links that Yoga With Bird earns a small percentage of however each affiliate product is something she genuinely loves and has used herself.
Francine Cipollone also known as her childhood nickname Bird is a 200hr Certified Yoga Teacher who found a passion for helping others find inner peace, self love and happiness through the practice of Yoga & Meditation. She created this YouTube Yoga Channel to offer a space where yoga is accessible to all. This channel is all about feeling good and reconnecting to self. Yoga is for every-BODY, Join the journey by Subscribing today: https://www.youtube.com/yogawithbird
Please consult your physician before joining in on this practice. By participating in this activity you acknowledge that yoga is a physical discipline that requires a certain amount of mental concentration and physical strength and endurance. You agree to work according to your own limitations and take full responsibility for your own safety and well-being. Listen to your body at all times and never do anything that causes pain. You acknowledge that participation in this activity exposes you to a possible risk of personal injury. You are fully aware of this risk and hereby release Yoga With Bird/Francine Cipollone from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected, with your participation in this activity.