If you have troubles in getting use to a recent AutoCAD version, here I show you some basic new tips that may help you a bit.
Of course there have been many more changes, but the way of working is practically the same!
If you have suggestions of another important new tools, please leave a comment below.
1.Tabs to switch between files 0:31
2.Main ribbon (new skin colour) 1:09
3.Layer properties (big icon) 1:58
4.Status bar (new look) 2:20
5.New tipe of Selection 2:55
6.Easier way to insert a block 3:26
7.Change the cursos type 3:54
8.Geometric centre (OSNAP mode) 4:51
9.New command DIMLAYER 5:44
10. New command HPLAYER 6:53
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to post :).
Alternatively, you can send me an e-mail to: [email protected]
The video shows the version 2013 of AutoCADĀ® and it is used exclusively for educational purposes.
Autodesk screen shots reprinted courtesy of Autodesk, Inc.
The narration and all the illustrations were created by CAD in Black..