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This video tutorial is on python lists and how to work with them.
0:12-Introduction to list.
1:48-Different methods to create lists.
1:50-Empty List.
2:00-List of strings.
2:10-List of numbers.
2:18-List of numbers using list comprehension
(using for loop).
2:44-List of numbers using range.
2:55-Creating a list of even numbers less than
10 using list comprehension.
3:18-Creating a list of even numbers less than
10 using range.
3:36-Creating List from comma separated strings.
4:04-Put all characters in a string to list.
4:30-Put each digit in an integer to list.
4:53-Convert the dictionary key or value to list.
5:49-Built-in functions for lists in python.
5:57-list.append() to append a single element at
the end of the list.
7:00-list.extend() to append each element of one
list to another list.
7:40-list.insert() used to insert an item at a
particular location.
8:25-list.index to fetch the index of an item in the list.
9:08-list.remove method to remove an element from the list.
9:35-list.pop method which removes and returns us the
element from the list.
10:23-list.sort to sort the list either in ascending
or descending order.
11:00-list.reverse method is used to reverse the list items.
11:27-len method to get the length or number of items in a list.
11:53-min and max functions to find the minimum or maximum
value in a list.
12:26-list.count method to find how many time an item
appears in the list.
12:58-list.clear method to remove all the elements in the list.
13:20-To check if an item exists in the list.
13:52-indexing the python list.
14:00-fetch the first element.
14:27-get the last item.
15:04-Slicing (fetching specific portion of our list) examples.
15:56-slicing with increment or skipping.
16:45-Slicing in reverse order.
17:25-reversed function to iterate a list in reverse order.
18:28-Slice Assignment to insert or replace items of one
list inside another list at a particular location.
19:25-remove elements using slicing assignment.
19:41-how to copy list, understand why copying
a list is tricky.
22:40-copy list using deepcopy.
23:16-for loops on lists.
24:05-join all the contents in the list in to a string.
24:55-convert a list of lists in to a flat list.
25:46-see if list has duplicate elements.
26:40-shift or rotate the list
Music: Summer, endless motion from www.bensound.com