Explore Power BI World with illustrated, visualized, and well-framed Course.

Today we Start Power Bi by getting Data.

In this Trip which we start Together, you will learn the steps of Power BI, first, we Get the Data then Transform it, model the data, and use Dax finally visualize then publish the report:

We would be happy to see you on this Free Trip.
You can follow us from Youtube we will have new lessons on Power BI each Wednesday. Also, you can enroll in this free course from Udemy:


Excel All You Need Full Course: https://www.udemy.com/course/excelallyouneed-en/?referralCode=E8FD1D64C042E65B6774

Primavera P6 Full Course: https://www.udemy.com/course/primaverap6/?referralCode=1F2A644FF475DF490418

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Time Stamps:
Intro: (00:00)
what is Planned Cost : (00:23)
What is Actual Cost: (01:15)
First Step: Get Data: (02:01)