In between tape measure How to make Its a Rubbish Challenge

Sometimes a special tool will only do!

For years I have used a couple bits of timber to measure the distance between an object as I need to do with making this shelving unit.

I need an accurate distance between the shelves to cut in a timber divider.

Using timber sticks can lead to mistakes if they move and so I decided to make a special 'between things' measuring tool out of an old tape measure.

The In-between tape measure!

The old tape measure is usable though the spring is worn, perfect for this Rubbish Challenge.

I want this tool to also measure from the bottom of timber housings [grooves in wood that other timber like the dividers slot into] and so I use a thin scrap piece of ply to allow the in-between tape to measure right into these housings.

I allow 20mm for the housing depth as this is more than the maximum depth I would ever make for a housing.

Mark around the tape measure, cut out.

Remove the case of the tape to drill a hole in the ply where the clip fixing is.

Screw back together and fit the ply to the tape.

I took an old blunt Stanley blade and cut it square and drilled/cut a hole to fix it to the ply for a marker to take a measurement from the tape blade.

Measure the distance from the blade to the bottom of the ply, mine was spot on 100mm, and cut this distance off of the tape blade. It feels so wrong!

Cut of the tape end hook and fix it to the now shorter tape blade with a pop rivet.

The In-between tape measure will now accurately give you the measurement when used between two surfaces.

I made a template and spray painted some graphics onto the ply to make the tape look as special as its new purpose is.

Use and wonder how you ever coped before without an In-between tape measure.

'Its a Rubbish Challenge' is a challenge that I set myself to give the things that we throw away a new life, to make them useful or adapt them to save buying in new 'stuff'.

I aim to upload a new video every few weeks and undoubtedly they will all be different. Some of the rubbish will be adapted with electronics, some are instruments and others are just simple.

I aim to make them all interesting and I hope they may inspire you to give it a go, take a look at your rubbish bin and make yourself something great from it.

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