Caliper how to make
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I had a little project for a client to repair the timber base of a chair, one of the legs was split and so the chair was unusable.
A new tapered timber leg needed to be turned to match...
...roughing the timber to size I needed to make sure the taper was exactly as the original and I needed a set of external calipers...
...which I didn't have...
...don't have a tool...make a tool!
Two 125mm wire nails would make a great set of calipers.
Bend the ends in ...
...heat the nail heads and hammer flat...
...drill a pivot hole for a bolt...
...solder the bolt in position...
...and make a finger tightening wingnut from a nut and a washer with a cut out...
...braze together...clean up...
...and use.
The leg was turned to a perfect size and shape...
...glued in place the chair base was as good as new.
And I end up with a happy client and a new tool!
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