We're back! In this episode we're looking at data visualization, LinkedIn tools, lead generation & of course plenty more awesome tips, tricks and Growth Hacking tools! Get the latest Growth Insights on our Blog page: https://hubs.la/H0Wg57r0
We've also put together a checklist of best practices to optimise your website for performance and formatting! Get ready for Growth Insights #19, which is packed with tonnes of digital marketing tools!
When it comes to data visualization, you'll really see the power of bar race charts, and even get some tips on creating your own! Start off by seeing how companies like Apple, Google and Amazon have conquered the top four spots in less than 20 years!
Speaking of data, we've highlighted a few examples from one of the most important reports you need to know about, packed with information such as how the number of interactive gaming players accelerating with 2.4 billion last year. Still, on data but more focused on tools, we're also going to talk about LinkedIn analytics and content engagement metrics!
Curious about AI tools? We've discovered a few use cases that combine innovation with a few tactics and next steps you might consider helpful.
Looking for tools and best practices for lead generation? How to reach out to relevant prospects, convince clients to use your product and the best way to generate and convert leads on your website? They are all strung together, and there's plenty to pick from to help you serve your customers better!
So why not dive into Growth Insights #19 and discover lead generation tools, UX best practices, content tools and more!
What's your favourite lead generation resource? Did we miss an exciting data visualisation tool? Let us know in the comments below!
Did you know that if you are in the Netherlands, and an EU citizen you can get €1,000 towards a course? Meaning you can learn with Growth Tribe for free.
For more info and to apply → https://grow.ac/STAP-YouTube
Or find out more about our on-demand courses → https://grow.ac/learn-with-growthtribe
→ Digital Marketing Certificate
→ Growth Marketing Certificate
→ Growth Strategies Certificate (Live)
→ Conversion Rate Optimisation
→ Data Fundamentals Certificate
→ Business Analytics Certificate
→ Data Visualisation & Storytelling Certificate
→ Digital Leadership Certificate
→ Project Management Certificate
→ Crypto & Web3 Foundations Certificate
→ Design Thinking Certificate
Ready to train your team? Here are our corporate solutions for growth, innovation and data capabilities.
→ https://grow.ac/train-my-team
Check out our blog for articles, reports, resources and webinars.
→ https://grow.ac/growthtribe-blog
You can also follow us on Social Media here for even more learning materials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/growth-tribe/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growthtribe/
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Video URL: https://youtu.be/dQKAl6oqLmg
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