Welcome back to Growth Insights! This latest episode asks the burning question - What Tools Do Growth Hackers Use? - Growth Insights #7
Growth Insights is the only series in which you’ll be introduced to data content marketing hacks, analytics for content marketing insights, content analytics and email marketing tips all in just 5 minutes. Watch the full episode to get the answer to the question we know you’ve been asking - What Tools Do Growth Hackers Use?
Each Growth Insights video will contain the latest growth marketing tools, techniques and secrets from our team and community. In this particular episodes we’re asking What Tools Do growth Hackers Use? Growth Insights #7 focuses on data content marketing, analytics for content marketing, content analysis & email marketing tips 2017.
A new Growth Insights will be published every 2 to 3 weeks so be sure to subscribe if you don’t want to miss out on the most relevant developments in regards to all things growth!
If you come across a tool, website or article mentioned in the video that you want to look into further, check out the links below!
0:16 https://www.hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator
0:26 https://algorithmia.com/algorithms/tags/AutoTagURL
Data visualisation examples:
0:55 http://cities.human.co/
0:55 https://www.pornhub.com/insights/category/stats/page/3
1:05 The most comprehensive list of clickbait headlines - https://www.kaggle.com/therohk/examine-the-examiner
Shared content data sets:
1:24 https://www.reddit.com/r/datasets/
1:26 https://data.world/
1:35 The hottest data visualisation tool around: https://cloud.google.com/data-studio
1:40 Free templates for marketers - http://marketlytics.com/blog/google-data-studio-template-for-content-marketers
2:00 Email client market share - https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/6prljv/market_share_of_the_top_10_email_clients/?st=J5PPIXSO&sh=17cdf0a4
2:18 https://explore.reallygoodemails.com/2017-email-design-trends-5911f819e7b2
2:40 The less expensive alternative to clearbit - https://www.kickfire.com/api
3:03 How DO you pronounce ‘gif’? - https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2017/06/daily-chart-21
3:10 Book recommendation of the week - https://www.arturkiulian.com/robot-is-the-boss-book
3:26 Seeing AI app - https://appsto.re/us/AShJ7.i
3:50 RIP Microsoft Paint - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jul/24/microsoft-paint-kill-off-after-32-years-graphics-editing-program?CMP=fb_gu
3:52 Microsoft Paint replacement tool: https://developer.apple.com/arkit/
4:08 Facebook shut down language creating bots - http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/36941/1/facebook-kills-bots-after-they-create-their-own-language
4:16 US immigration policy shift - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFW29MwWAAABlje.jpg:large
4:27 Personal branding tool - https://mssg.me/
Don’t forget to ask us all your questions in the comments below!
This particular episode focuses on what tools do growth hackers use - but we also cover the following topics in this video:
- data content marketing
- analytics for content marketing
- content analysis
- email marketing tips 2017
- reddit data sets
- ai narrator
- auto tag articles with keywords
- automatic keywords builder
- better headlines generator
- data visualisation content
- email inbox optimisation
- ethical growth hacking
- learn to write better headlines
- message.me
- most used clickbait keywords
- analytics for content marketing
- ai creates own language
- ai narration
- growth hacking
- growth hacking explained
- hacking courses
- most used clickbait headlines
- one metric that matters
- what tools do growth hackers use
- what tools growth hackers use
- growth tribe
- growth insights
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Video URL: https://youtu.be/gpldCFgM8Yc