During Amsterdam’s Growth Marketing Conference we had a talk about Ecommerce Conversion Funnel & Ecommerce Techniques by Joris Fonteijn. Joris talks about the importance of marketing triggers, psychographic segmentation and smart notifications as Ecommerce Techniques and how they help with the optimising of a Ecommerce Conversion Funnel. Watch this short but informative video by Joris Fonteijn if you want to gain a deeper understanding of the ecommerce conversion funnel & ecommerce techniques.

Joris Fonteijn is Senior Persuasion Analyst at Crobox, a Saas company that specialises in persuasion profiling technology. Crobox helps eCommerce brands better understand and act on their shoppers behaviour in real time. They build unique profile data making use of consumer psychology and machine learning. Based on a strong combination of user, product and contextual data, Crobox predicts which persuasion principles do and don't work for each individual visitor.

An ecommerce psychology & psychographic marketing expert, Joris specialises in behavioural change through influencing human behaviour with the use of scientific theories on social influence. This has attributed to his comprehensive understanding of the ecommerce conversion funnel & ecommerce techniques. He has studied Psychology comprehensively with his Master’s degree seeing him specialise in Cognitive Psychology.

This talk was given during Amsterdam’s Growth Marketing Conference on May 12th at the Growth Tribe Academy Campus. Growth Marketing Conference had its first continental European event in partnership with the Amsterdam and UK based digital skills training company, Growth Tribe, who also brought the Growth Marketing Conference to London on May 9th . Speakers at the event included Dennis Yu of Blitzmetrics, growth hacking extraordinaire Sujan Patel , SEO expert Clayton Wood and Eric Siu of Single Grain.

What you’ll learn from this talk:
Trigger-based marketing
Persuasion Profiling
Ecommerce conversion funnel
Ecommerce Techniques
E Commerce Psychology
Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion
Ecommerce Notifications
Ecommerce conversion optimisation

Joris Fonteijn is a renowned expert in the area of E Commerce Psychology & Psychographic Marketing which has given him a deeper understanding of the ecommerce conversion funnel & ecommerce techniques.


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Video URL: https://youtu.be/Jqbo40ksgVw