In the video, Rishabh Dev shares his experience of using Chat GPT for outreach and social media content.
The video focuses on using Chat GPT inside Google Sheets for social media and outreach. Rishabh Dev suggests using the GPT for Sheets and Docs tool to bring Chat GPT inside Google Sheets. He demonstrates how to use Chat GPT to create social media captions, design instructions, video ideas, and LinkedIn outreach messages.
Rishabh Dev emphasizes the importance of using Google Sheets to share the generated content with team members. He suggests creating a list of post ideas and content outlines inside Google Sheets itself. He also talks about how to use Chat GPT to write the first personalized paragraph of a cold email outreach message.
Overall, the video provides a comprehensive guide to using Chat GPT for generating growth ideas, SEO, and social media content. The use of Google Sheets to collaborate and share the generated content with team members makes the process more efficient and streamlined.