#ITenglish #englishforIT #businessenglishvocabulary
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This technical english lesson is the first of a two-part series on business English vocabulary related to Internet technologies. In part one, we'll have a look at some of the basic tools and concepts that allow the Internet to function.

With open source technologies, developers can create, improve, and deploy new products and services quickly. Open source development platforms are commonly based on what is called the LAMP stack.

This abbreviation comes from Linux, which is a Unix operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database systems, and PHP, the computer language behind many of the applications. This LAMP stack provides the architecture for developers to create flexible and responsive software.

And with cloud computing, there come great changes to the infrastructure on which these programs run. Cloud computing allows developers to overcome problems related to bandwidth and allows for easier scaling of software and services.

English for IT | Technical English | Business English Vocabulary