Ever wanted to learn how to apply ML to games?

Here ya go!

What's happening team! This is a compilation of the RL tutorials for gaming in one mega course. In this course, you'll learn an absolute TON about best practices when training reinforcement learning models for games using Python and Stable Baselines 3.

0:00 - START
1:07 - MARIO
3:03 - Mario Mission 1 - Setup Mario
21:49 - Mario Mission 2 - Preprocess Environment
43:51 - Mario Mission 3 - Build the RL Model
1:03:47 - Mario Mission 4 - Run the RL Model Live
1:18:13 - DOOM
1:20:00 - Doom Mission 1 - Get Vizdoom Working
1:44:34 - Doom Mission 2 - Setup OpenAI Gym Environment
2:27:30 - Doom Mission 3 - Train the RL Agent
3:03:41 - Doom Mission 4 - Test the RL Agent
3:14:03 - Doom Mission 5 - Training for Other Levels
3:34:27 - Doom Mission 6 - Curriculum Learning and Reward Shaping
4:36:16 - Streetfighter Mission 1 - Setup Streetfighter
5:00:21 - Streetfighter Mission 2 - Preprocessing
5:45:55 - Streetfighter Mission 3 - Hyperparameter Tuning
6:33:58 - Streetfighter Mission 4 - Fine Tune the Model
6:52:28 - Streetfighter Mission 5 - Testing the Model
7:15:26 - DINO
7:16:50 - Dino Mission 1 - Install and Setup Dependencies
7:35:50 - Dino Mission 2 - Create a Custom OpenAI Gym Environment
8:31:26 - Dino Mission 3 - Train the RL Model
8:47:24 - Dino Mission 4 - Get the Model to Smash Chrome Dino
8:57:22 - Wrap Up

Oh, and don't forget to connect with me!
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/324Epgo
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3mB1sZD
GitHub: https://bit.ly/3mDJllD
Patreon: https://bit.ly/2OCn3UW
Join the Discussion on Discord: https://bit.ly/3dQiZsV

Happy coding!

P.s. Let me know how you go and drop a comment if you need a hand!
#machinelearning #ai #tech