What's happening guys, welcome to the third episode of CodeThat!

In this ep I try to build my first neural network in PyTorch...seriously the first time I even dug into their documentation was yesterday! Anyway you know the rules I have to get it done in 15 minutes, no doco or stack overflow and a gift card to you guys if I fail.

Will I make it in time???!

Get the Code: https://github.com/nicknochnack/PyTorchin15

Oh, and don't forget to connect with me!
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/324Epgo
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3mB1sZD
GitHub: https://bit.ly/3mDJllD
Patreon: https://bit.ly/2OCn3UW
Join the Discussion on Discord: https://bit.ly/3dQiZsV

Happy coding!

P.s. Let me know how you go and drop a comment if you need a hand!
#machinelearning #codingchallenge #gradientdescent