Join the barre craze with this at-home, total body routine that will strengthen, lengthen, and tone. These 10 barre moves you can do without a barre are exactly what you'd see in my class at the studio.

10 At-Home Barre Exercises:

Chair Squats + Overhead Raise
Chair + Straight Arm Tricep Pulses
Reverse Lunge {right} + Tricep Kick
Isometric Lunge {right} + Overhead Tricep Extensions
Airplane {right} + Back Fly
Chair Squats + Overhead Raise
Chair + Alternating Arm Pulses
Reverse Lunge {left} + Lateral Shoulder Raise
Isometric Lunge {left} + Front Shoulder Raise
Airplane {left} + Back Fly

*Equipment Needed: light dumbbells {2-10 lbs}
**Complete 12 reps per exercise. Repeat entire circuit x 3 sets.

See video above for complete workout and proper exercise form.

For more exercises and workouts you can do anywhere, visit the Nourish Move Love Blog at: